FR: Friday January 27th

Results from the “Special All Holstein & Dairy Cross” Feeder Cattle Sale: Friday January 27th
Friday January 27th

Headcount: 703 Holstein Feeder Cattle

Results from the “Special All Holstein & Dairy Cross” Feeder Cattle Sale: Friday January 27th
Friday January 27th

Headcount: 703 Holstein Feeder Cattle

Summary: This past Friday, we ended up with a pretty nice run of Holstein feeder cattle.   The interest seems to remain at a positive level on the buyer end of things. This market was a tick stronger this week. Now, as far as the outlook of the Holstein Feeder Cattle market, as of right now, I don’t see this thing taking a big jump either way; neither up nor down, in the foreseeable future. I believe the market in the Holstein feeder sector has some room to grow, but for now, as you can see in the market below, most everything remains in the price level of $80-$95/cwt. Next week we will be having a “SPECIAL ALL BEEF NEW CROP CALF/YEARLING FEEDER SALE”, FRIDAY FEBRUARY 3RD. We will be expecting 2,200-2,500 head of beef cattle, and we will see outstanding quality of cattle come through the ring all day long. Folks, all your friends here at Bloomington Livestock Exchange thank each and every one of you. In this industry, we must keep one main thing in our minds. In trying times we’ve encountered the past year or more with the market, volatility, etc, no matter if you’re a competitor, a buyer, a seller, or a trucker (the list goes on), we are all a family, and we need to stick together. Thanks again folks, and hope to see you Friday!!

Fancy Holstein Steers
250-325# ~ $95- $106
350-425# ~ $90- $95
450-525# ~ $85- $92
550-625# ~ $80- $92
650-725# ~ $80- $92
750-825# ~ $80- $92
850- 925# ~ $78- $89

Improperly Handled/ Excessively  Fleshy /Lower Quality Steers Less