Friday March 12th Special All Holstein & Dairy Cross Feeder Cattle Sale

Results from the Special Winter Roundup Holstein / Dairy Cross Feeder Cattle Sale Friday March 12th..

Here this past Friday we had a nice run selling 479 head on a market that steady to higher on both the Holsteins and the right kind of Crossbreds.. 
Buyer demand was strong as we head into spring and mother nature is becoming much more friendly.  The next Special Back to Grass Roundup Holstein/ Dairy Cross Feeder Cattle Sale will be Friday March 26th starting time 9am sharp.. 
Thanks to all Buyers/ Sellers alike who came together for another nice sale..
Here's the report..
Fancy Holstein Steers 
250-425# Not Enough to test
450-525# $105-$120
550-625# $100-$118
650-725# $100-$110
750-825# $100-$107
850-950# $93-$103
Improperly Handled/ Excessively Thin/ Lower Quality Holstein Steers Less