Friday March 5th Special All Beef New Crop Calf/Yearling Feeder Cattle Sale

Results from the Special Winter Roundup New Crop Calf/ Yearling Sale Friday March 5th .

Here this past Friday we had an outstanding set of cattle with quality to burn throughout.  
We sold 2,836 head on a market that was much pretty steady all the way around.. 
As we move forward the light cattle continue to disappear with the bulk of the cattle being 6-8 weight cattle ... With many big bunches again in the offering there was a house full of buyers in which the cattle found their final destination all over cattle feeding country.. 
The next Big Special will be our "Special Back to Grass New Crop Calf/ Yearling in 2 weeks Friday March 19th starting time 9am sharp.  
Thanks again to all Buyers / Sellers alike who came together for another really nice sale. 
Here's the report..
Fancy New Crop Steers
350-425# $175-$190 (Light Test)
450-525# $160-$187
550-625# $150-$178
650-725# $140-$160
750-850# $130- $147
Improperly Handled/ OverFleshy/ Lower Quality Steers Less 
Fancy New Crop Heifers
350-425# $145-$175
450-525# $135-$155
550-625# $130-$150
650-725# $125-$145
750-825# $117-$132
Improperly Handled/ OverFleshy/ Lower Quality Heifers Less